Francis Whorral-Campbell | Trap Piece 7 (BPA)


Radiator, Plastic Bottles

Dimensions Variable



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Francis Whorrall-Campbell (b.1995) is an artist, writer, and sometimes art critic from the UK. Working across text, sculpture, and the digital, their work undertakes a materialist investigation of sexual subjectivity. Guided by research into the pasts and presents of gender transition, a relationship between making an artwork and making a (gendered) self emerges as a method of thinking critically about how identities and desires are formed in interaction with the world and narratives around them.

His work will be shown in upcoming exhibitions at CCA Derry~Londonderry (2024); Xxijra Hii, London (2024); with a solo show at, Amsterdam (2025). They are the author of 'THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT HAVE BEEN DOWNLOADED: [in progress] A non-fiction-novel about Kurt Cobain, Twink Death and the History of the Trans Internet', the first part of which was published alongside an exhibition at Project Arts Centre, Dublin. From September – November 2024, they will be a Laureate of the Principal Residency Programme at La Becque, Switzerland.

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